Good things come in pairs: All about elderberry and vitamin C
As we’re in the thick of cold and flu season, you may be looking to strengthen your immunity during these next few months. Vitamin C is one of the most well-known immune boosters. But taking it in combination with elderberry can give you the upper hand in tackling any infections [...]
Everything you need to know about zinc
Maintaining good health is often boiled down to eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and staying hydrated. But where does zinc fit in? Zinc is an essential nutrient - this means that the human body does not produce it, but it's vital to our overall health. This mighty trace [...]
The link between stress and immune health
As we approach cold and flu season, it’s essential to keep our immune systems sharp and prepared for whatever bug that’s going around. And in support of that, it’s important to lower stress levels. Yes, you read that right. Mitigating stress can actually help strengthen your immune system! Let’s get [...]
Preventative care for osteoporosis
Our bones are what give us structure. Our skeletal framework allows us to move and protects organs like our brain and heart from injury. So, it goes without saying that keeping our bones healthy is an essential part of our overall wellbeing. One of the most common conditions Canadians experience [...]
Supporting our body’s superhero: The liver
When it comes to our liver, it really wears a lot of hats. Most commonly recognized for its important roles as part of our digestive system, this mighty organ is actually responsible for over 500 vital functions, all necessary for our overall health. Let’s review some of these roles to [...]
A deep dive into CanPrev’s probiotics
We have trillions of bacteria living inside us. While some are good, others can cause harm. And when they live in harmonious balance, you are less likely to experience digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or stomach pains. While probiotics help you colonize more beneficial bacteria to balance out [...]
Get to know CanPrev’s Powder System
Everyone is unique—whether it be in personal interests like music, film, or hobbies, or individual nutritional needs. Every individual’s nutritional needs are impacted by both internal and external factors, including but not limited to our diets, genetics, activity levels, lifestyles, pre-existing conditions, and even our environment. Take athletes for example. [...]
3 nutrients to support collagen + things that kill natural collagen
Food is a key pillar in building a healthy lifestyle as it supplies us with the nutrition we need to feel our best and keep our bodies functioning smoothly. Regardless of what stage of life we're in, a healthy diet is one of the most important factors in our wellbeing. [...]