CanPrev Blog2019-12-02T20:37:28+00:00

Silver linings: the story of cancer, CanPrev and second chances

CanPrev is known for its quality line of comprehensive natural health products, but what many people don’t know is how and why CanPrev started. I was a 19-year-old business administration student at the University of Toronto’s Scarborough campus when I discovered a hard, pea-sized lump just under the surface of [...]

October 20th, 2016|

Rise and shine: A guide to becoming a morning person

Let's face it, hitting snooze has become a morning ritual for many of us. We’ve all felt the tug of war between the warmth of our covers and the responsibilities of the day ahead. But what if mornings could be more than just a blur of caffeine and chaos? If [...]

April 17th, 2024|

Is stress keeping you up at night?

When your mind is racing with worries and to-do lists, it can be tough to switch off and drift into dreamland. During periods of heightened stress, our bodies release hormones like cortisol, which trigger a state of increased alertness that makes it difficult to unwind. The good news is, getting [...]

April 17th, 2024|

How do everyday habits set the stage for sleep?

Are you tired of counting sheep while the rest of the world sleeps? If so, you're not alone. Many of us struggle to achieve restful sleep, and oftentimes our lifestyle habits are to blame. From screen time to late-night caffeine fixes, a myriad of factors can disrupt our sleep patterns [...]

April 8th, 2024|

The squeeze on all things vitamin C

From sipping on a glass of orange juice to snacking on juicy strawberries throughout the day, vitamin C is a familiar friend that we rely on to bring health and vitality to our daily routines. Vitamin C is a nutrient powerhouse that plays an important role in supporting our immune [...]

March 7th, 2024|

Move to the beat of a healthy heart

Your heart isn’t only responsible for the beat in your chest, it's also the rockstar behind every breath you take. Our steady companion beats over 100,000 times per day, guiding thousands of gallons of blood to every corner of our bodies. This constant flow acts like a nurturing stream, carrying [...]

February 2nd, 2024|

Fuel your fitness one muscle at a time

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve health and increase longevity. The benefits of physical activity are vast and include cardiovascular health, bone and muscle strength,  improved mood, and even reducing the risk of disease.  Healthy muscles are your best allies when it comes to exercise. Balancing [...]

January 6th, 2024|

Why am I so tired all the time?

How often do you find yourself struggling to get out of bed? Do you constantly feel like you’re running on fumes day in and day out? Feeling tired all the time can be a challenging and frustrating experience. However, you’re not alone. Research indicates that at least 60% of Canadians [...]

December 20th, 2023|