CanPrev Blog2024-10-28T16:51:55+00:00

The many benefits of berberine

Have you been thinking about regulating blood sugar levels, managing a healthy weight, and boosting digestive and cardiovascular health? If so, you may have come across berberine. Berberine has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of ailments, mainly because of its impressive list of benefits. [...]

August 23rd, 2023|

When to start thinking about bone health

From providing our bodies with structure to supporting our muscles and protecting our internal organs, our bones have a major role to play in our wellbeing. This means that our bones need plenty of nutrients and exercise to maintain their integrity and continue to effectively do their job. Bone health [...]

July 21st, 2023|

Turn things around with testosterone

Everywhere we look, we’re exposed to scenes of Hollywood superstars in peak athletic form—jumping out of helicopters, fighting supervillains, and running away from danger. These men seemingly defy physical age norms, with washboard abs at 50, and pythons for arms at 67. So what's the secret? Besides the usual movie [...]

June 16th, 2023|

The link between IBS and gut health

Digestion plays a huge role in our overall health, and when something is off it can get in the way of our daily lives. Symptoms like abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea are very uncomfortable and downright inconvenient. One possible reason for these symptoms can be Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a [...]

May 31st, 2023|

The science behind allergies

Temperatures are rising into the double digits, and you know that means – fresh spring blooms, sounds of birds chirping, and long sunny days. While warmer weather can be very enjoyable, those with allergies know the struggle of having to deal with stuffy noses, watery eyes, and other uncomfortable symptoms [...]

April 20th, 2023|

Fertility-Friendly Nutrition Habits

Whether you have supported a loved one or been through it yourself, the process of trying to conceive is an emotionally charged journey that looks different for everyone. At the end of the day, it all starts with the basics – healthy egg quality and sperm count. Like all other [...]

February 27th, 2023|

10 Best Superfruits For The Immune System

As we go about our day, our immune system is always humming along in the background to keep us safe from infection and disease. To maintain healthy immunity, it’s important to get adequate sleep, keep stress levels down, and eat a healthy diet. Sounds simple, right? But we all know [...]

February 8th, 2023|

Good things come in pairs: All about elderberry and vitamin C

As we’re in the thick of cold and flu season, you may be looking to strengthen your immunity during these next few months. Vitamin C is one of the most well-known immune boosters. But taking it in combination with elderberry can give you the upper hand in tackling any infections [...]

January 30th, 2023|
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