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Exercise Performance: Nutrient Timing & Lifestyle Factors

Nutrition is a vital component of exercise and athletic performance. To maximize the benefits from this relationship, some may consider factors such as calories per gram, genetic advantage or predisposition, quality of nutrient absorbed through food, and even consuming at certain times of the day in conjunction with scheduled exercise [...]

March 4th, 2020|

Differences and Benefits of Vitamin K1 vs. K2

In Nutrient Spotlight: The Science Behind Vitamin K2, we covered the discovery of the Vitamin K family, its overall function in the body, and brief differences between MK-4 and MK-7. Now, let's dive deeper into how vitamin K1 differs from K2, why deficiency is hard to detect, and why this nutrient [...]

February 5th, 2020|

Nutrient Spotlight: The Science behind Vitamin K2

Ever wonder why vitamins go from A, B, C, D and E straight to vitamin K? Well, there is a good explanation. Vitamin K was first discovered as a blood clotting agent in chicken and was named “koagulation”, Danish for coagulation. Doesn't sound too exciting, does it? Well, clotting is just [...]

January 8th, 2020|

Feeling chilled? Top 7 Winter Health Tips to Survive the Cold!

Even though we’re already a couple of months in, Old Man Winter isn’t ready to release his grip quite yet! So, how can we keep our immune systems primed and our physical & mental well-being optimized while we ride out this chilly weather? We’ve got the top 7 ways to [...]

December 27th, 2019|

The Not-So-Sweet Cycle of Insulin Resistance

Insulin Sensitivity. Insulin Resistance. Hyperinsulinemia. Diabetes. Metabolic Syndrome. You’ve probably heard these terms quite a bit lately as you scroll through your health news. But usually, it’s not made clear enough what an important role INSULIN plays in your body. Well, here's a more accurate picture of how this critical [...]

November 13th, 2019|

How to Improve Your Oral Health Naturally

Your gums may be telling you more about your health than you realize. A little pink in the sink usually doesn’t cause concern, but it should. It’s worth taking a peak in your mouth - it can offer an inside look into the health of your immune and cardiovascular system. [...]

October 16th, 2019|

The Functional Role Of Amino Acids In The Human Body

Do you ever wonder what makes up the human body, or the foods we consume on a daily basis? Protein is one of them. Not only does it make up every single cell in the human body and play numerous roles essential for your survival, but it's a critical component [...]

September 18th, 2019|

Keto Guide for Beginners

Time to eat some bacon, right? Wrong. Popular media portrays the ketogenic [keto] diet as a way to lose weight while eating copious amounts of bacon. In actuality, the keto diet is quite different. At its core, the keto diet is yet another version of a low-carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrates include [...]

August 7th, 2019|
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