All Recipes2023-03-02T08:54:05+00:00

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With anti-inflammatory warming spices like turmeric and cinnamon, and Collagen Joint & Cartilage, your tired, sore joints won’t know what hit them!
anti-inflammatory mocktail in a rimmed glass
This Anti-Inflammatory Tropical Mango Mocktail provides potent antioxidant capabilities that neutralize free radicals in the body.
Golden and frothy Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Latte in a glass mug, surrounded by turmeric root
Sip achy joints and tummy troubles away with this Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Latte designed to tackle inflammation from within.
We love the berries in this beauty booster smoothie for their high vitamin C and antioxidant content. Dial up the collagen boost and glow all day long.
Kickback, relax and sip on this delicious blueberry lime mojito mocktail! Your new favourite sunny afternoon drink to share with the whole family.
Whether you’re going to get your sweat on or heading out on a hot summer day, don’t forget your active sipper! Sip and stay hydrated all day long.
Give your bones all the nutrients they need to stay strong, flexible, and healthy, all in one delicious bone-building smoothie.
Fuel your body right with this Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie, packed with bone-building nutrients, healthy fats, and inflammation-fighting antioxidants.
Sneak in a scoop of CanPrev’s Collagen Beauty to smooth skin and reduce wrinkles in this yummy Chocolate Collagen Macaccino.
Try this superfood smoothie with an L-Glutamine booster to help your muscles recover and regenerate. Breakfast or post-workout, you decide!
Coconut Mocha Collagen Latté in a glass mug
This creamy Coconut Mocha Collagen Latté is filled with healthy fats and collagen peptides to satisfy your cravings and nourish your skin.
Sweet, creamy and refreshing, this delicious tropical pina colada-inspired smoothie treats your tastebuds and repairs your body!
Cranberry Collagen Mint Refresher with a sprig of mint
Amplify the benefits of collagen production and get your summer glow on with this not-too-sweet refreshing mocktail.
Hot pink Elderberry Burst Mocktail in martini glasses by the pool
This refreshing, fruity, and effervescent elderberry mocktail is bursting with immune-boosting antioxidants, anthocyanins, and probiotics.
aspberry Mojito Mocktail with lime and mint
Swapping out alcohol this summer? Sip on this mocktail instead! Plus, it's packed with nutrients to help prime your fertility.
French Vanilla Collagen Creamer in Coffee
Loving collagen in your coffee? Try this silky dairy-free French Vanilla Collagen Creamer to sweeten things up!
Frozen Immuno Berry Paloma in a tall glass with lime
Quench your thirst and boost your well-being with this Frozen Immuno Berry Paloma, perfectly balanced with sweet, tart, and smoky undertones.
Frozen peach vanilla lemonade in a glass
Better than a slushie. Energize your body and fight inflammation with each refreshing sip of this Frozen Peach Vanilla Lemonade.
Frozen Raspberry Lemonade Mocktail in a mason jar glass
Relax and cool off with this Frozen Raspberry Lemonade. The twist? There are adaptogenic and beauty benefits packed into this tangy mocktail.
Busy day ahead? Fuel up with this energizing Green Machine Smoothie Bowl, and you'll be ready to rock any activity. Even better, it’s ready in 5 minutes.
Warm and frothy Gut Healthy Pumpkin Spice Coffee in a white mug
Spice up your morning routine with our Gut Healthy Pumpkin Spice Coffee— a comforting sip of gut-healthy, skin-nourishing goodness.

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