Stay balanced and strong with the power of electrolytes

Imagine facing a gruelling day at work or powering through the final stretch of a run, feeling like every part of you is pushed to its limits. It’s not just about digging deeper or summoning more willpower; it’s about the unseen support that keeps you steady and strong. Electrolytes are [...]

Fuel your fitness one muscle at a time

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve health and increase longevity. The benefits of physical activity are vast and include cardiovascular health, bone and muscle strength,  improved mood, and even reducing the risk of disease.  Healthy muscles are your best allies when it comes to exercise. Balancing [...]

Why choose a pescatarian diet?

With rising trends in meat-free diets and the growing diversity of dietary choices, the pescatarian diet has been gaining momentum. This diet prioritizes foods that provide an abundance of health-boosting omega-3 fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals that all work in harmony to protect your heart, reduce inflammation, assist [...]

Everything you need to know about zinc

Maintaining good health is often boiled down to eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and staying hydrated. But where does zinc fit in? Zinc is an essential nutrient - this means that the human body does not produce it, but it's vital to our overall health. This mighty trace [...]

Beyond the hype: Is a plant-based diet right for you?

Vegan diets have seen a rapid surge in popularity, due to the purported health benefits, environmental implications, and a wave of documentaries encouraging an animal-free approach to food. While vegetarian diets eschew meat products, veganism removes all animal by-products from the equation, including milk, eggs, and honey. With the elimination [...]

2021-10-06T14:20:28+00:00September 15th, 2021|CanPrev, Diet, Lifestyle, Minerals, Nutrition, Supplements, Vitamins, Whole foods|2 Comments

What Do My Fingernails Have To Do With My Health?

You probably don’t think about them too much, except maybe which polish colour to choose next? But, you would be surprised what those little keratinized extensions of our fingertips (your fingernails) can tell us about our nutrition, and our health status overall. Naturopaths often include an examination of a patient's [...]

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