CanPrev acquires Innovite Health

Keeping it Canadian - CanPrev acquires natural health pioneer, Innovite Health Wednesday, December 12, 2018, 8:00pm EST TORONTO, Ontario - CanPrev Natural Health Products Ltd. is excited to announce today that it has agreed to acquire the Innovite Health brand, an iconic Canadian manufacturer of natural health products. CanPrev’s acquisition [...]

2019-02-17T01:04:57+00:00December 13th, 2018|All, CanPrev|1 Comment

Fall Detox for the Skin

As the largest organ in the body, conditions of the skin is a trusted indication of one's overall health. If you are experiencing skin issues such as severe acne or dermatitis, or flare-ups in your eczema or psoriasis, maybe consider a detox this fall to help settle those symptoms. Eczema This [...]

Meet Mia Noblet – Professional Slackliner

Meet Mia Noblet, CanPrev ambassador, Vancouver native and women's world record slackline holder! The CanPrev team was fairly new to the sport of slacklining before taking on Mia as an ambassador and we were curious to know more about the sport once she decided to come aboard. So what's slacklining all about anyway? In short, it is [...]

2024-10-18T08:00:59+00:00May 29th, 2018|Active Life, All, Fitness, Lifestyle, Motivation, Workouts|0 Comments

6 Essential Nutrients For The Athlete

Optimizing nutrition when you’re an athlete (or even if you workout regularly) can make a significant difference in your health and performance on the court, field or at the gym. Just like exercising your muscles through cardiovascular workouts or strength training is important, so is fueling your body properly through [...]

Natural Health Practitioners: Are You Taking Charge of Your Own Health?

Thomas Edison once said: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the maintenance of the human frame, in diet, and in the prevention of disease.” Connecting with a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) as part of your health-care team is a great way to incorporate a [...]

2019-12-16T23:38:47+00:00April 17th, 2018|All, CanPrev, Expert Advice, Health, Lifestyle, Motivation|0 Comments

ND Perspective: Allergy and Sensitivity Testing

The development of allergies is becoming more and more common. The same goes for sensitivities to foods, chemicals and environmental factors. Our immune system and cellular tissue can become compromised due to inflammatory responses from the mechanisms of each reaction - especially through responses from sensitivities. Here's a little more [...]

What Do My Fingernails Have To Do With My Health?

You probably don’t think about them too much, except maybe which polish colour to choose next? But, you would be surprised what those little keratinized extensions of our fingertips (your fingernails) can tell us about our nutrition, and our health status overall. Naturopaths often include an examination of a patient's [...]

Nutrient Deficiencies: Why Nearly Everyone Has Them

Health Canada advises, along with many nutrition professionals, “that a healthy and balanced diet can provide most people with the nutrients essential for good health.” [1] Does that mean that if we eat a “healthy and balanced diet”, that we’ll be meeting all the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) and we’ll [...]

CanPrev acquires Cyto-Matrix

The principals and employees of CanPrev and Cyto-Matrix are thrilled to announce the creation of a genuine, homegrown, all-Canadian natural health products champion that professionals can confidently trust. The combined expertise of these two leading companies will serve to enhance the product range and value-added services to professionals. Cyto-Matrix Inc. [...]

2020-05-14T18:22:17+00:00January 22nd, 2018|All, CanPrev|0 Comments

The Scoop on Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 might not sound too familiar, it is not one of the more popularly wide known vitamins, like vitamin C or D. Vitamin K2, belongs to the Vitamin K family and is fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K1 is the natural vitamin found in nature, mainly in green leafy plants and [...]

2020-01-06T17:32:19+00:00January 15th, 2018|All, Nutrition, Supplements|0 Comments

Meet Joseph Cheung – Your Health Is Your Wealth

Here at CanPrev, we are all about our community. Because without a platform to connect with individuals – we cannot learn, grow, educate, motivate or inspire. That’s where our ambassadors come in. These individuals are dedicated to living life to the fullest! They are continually learning and growing, sharing their [...]

Meet Jessie Lam – Corporate Junkie Turns Fitness Guru

Corporate Junkie Turns Fitness Guru In this second part of our "CanPrev Ambassador" series, we introduce to you a Toronto native. Someone who truly knows the meaning of transformation and taking risks. Many Hats Meet Jessie Lam - Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner, and [...]

2024-10-18T08:08:13+00:00April 20th, 2017|Active Life, All, CanPrev, Health, Health goals, Lifestyle|0 Comments

Meet Making Lemonade – Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Online Wellness Entrepreneur

We all have physical, emotional and mental challenges to overcome. To do this, we find the courage and brave the journey against these obstacles, in search for optimal health and preventing dis-ease. 'Taking charge of your own health' and 'you can prevent'- mantras that have sustained us, as well as [...]

Natural Anti-Inflammatories

People relying on over-the-counter NSAIDs for pain and inflammation could benefit from natural alternatives instead. With the exception of boswellia, all of these natural anti-inflammatories are considered safe enough for long-term use. The list below can be used as a refresher on the safety of natural anti-inflammatories commonly prescribed by [...]

2019-08-30T20:44:29+00:00July 5th, 2016|All, Supplements|0 Comments

What does Gluten Sensitivity Mean?

Gluten sensitivity has now earned the distinction of being a condition separate from celiac disease. A study conducted by a group of American and Italian researchers in 2001 found that a subset of patients made up of children and adults showed many of the same symptoms typical of celiac, but [...]

2019-08-30T20:47:17+00:00April 7th, 2016|All, Health|0 Comments

Generational Stress and Their Causes

We know the signs our bodies show in response to stress: increased heart rate, loss of appetite, susceptibility to infection, sharpened sight, bursts of energy. This is how the body behaves when it's in "fight or flight" mode. As we age, we experience different types of stress that can impact [...]

2024-10-18T08:18:24+00:00February 22nd, 2016|All, Health, Lifestyle|0 Comments

The Buzz on Echinacea Tinctures

I notice a tingling sensation whenever I try an Echinacea tincture. Is this an allergic reaction?   Allergic reactions to the echinacea herb can certainly happen, especially if the user has a known allergy to the daisy family. The chances are even higher if the flower from the top of [...]

2016-02-08T20:56:43+00:00February 8th, 2016|All, Supplements|0 Comments

Chicken Soup for the Soul (and Flu)!

Chicken soup has a long history as a remedy for coughs, colds and other respiratory tract infections.  In a recent cell study, chicken soup was shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect by blocking the chemical messaging system (neutrophil chemotaxis) that contributes to chest congestion, mucous production and coughing.  The authors even suggested that [...]

2024-10-18T08:19:37+00:00December 21st, 2015|All, Health, Lifestyle|0 Comments
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