When it comes to supplemental support for your joints, collagen is often the first thing that comes to mind. But with so many different types available, how do you know which one is right for you? If you’re looking for a tailored approach to improving joint comfort and mobility, type II collagen may be just what you need. By understanding the unique benefits that type II collagen has to offer, you’re better equipped to make choices that support your long-term health goals. Whether that’s keeping up with your kids, hitting the gym or simply enjoying pain-free movement for years to come, caring for your joints can help you move freely and live fully.

Understanding collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is responsible for providing strength, structure, and support. Imagine your body as a well-built house. Collagen is the sturdy framework holding everything together, from the walls (your skin) to the floors (your bones) and the doors that swing open smoothly (your joints). Without healthy collagen levels, that house would start to creak, and the doors might not open as easily.

Types of collagen

There are 28 types of collagen, each with their own function. Let’s take a closer look at the five major types:

  • Type I – Makes up 90% of your body’s collagen and is used to provide structure to your skin, bones, ligaments and tendons.
  • Type II – This type is found in elastic cartilage, the flexible tissue that helps cushion your joints.
  • Type III – Found in your internal organs, muscles, and blood vessels. It helps maintain skin elasticity, tissue regeneration and supports cardiovascular health by providing structure to blood vessels.
  • Type IV – Present in the layers of your skin and provides structural and functional support at a cellular level.
  • Type V – You can find this type in the cornea of your eyes, as well as some layers of your skin and hair. They provide structure to these tissues and support the formation of collagen fibrils (the small, thread-like structures that make up collagen fibers).

What makes type II collagen unique?

What sets type II collagen apart from other collagen supplements is its unique absorption and mechanism of action. The body treats type II collagen supplements differently from other collagen types, which is key to understanding its effectiveness.

Most collagen supplements are broken down into small amino acids (such as hydrolyzed collagen) and used as building blocks for tissues. Type II collagen, however, stays intact or unaltered during digestion and works through a unique process called oral tolerance.

Why oral tolerance matters for joint health

Oral tolerance is the body’s way of recognizing and moderating the immune response to specific substances. When type II collagen enters your digestive system, it sends a signal to your immune system, teaching it not to attack your own cartilage. Over time, this process helps protect joint tissue, making type II collagen particularly effective for reducing inflammation and preserving cartilage health.

Type II collagen doesn’t just supply the building blocks for cartilage—it actively works to protect existing cartilage from further damage. It does this by reducing the body’s auto-immune response, which helps prevent the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. This breakdown is often the root cause of pain, inflammation, and reduced mobility in conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This is why type II collagen is ideal for individuals seeking a more targeted approach to joint health, especially those dealing with cartilage deterioration or autoimmune joint conditions.

When should you consider taking type II collagen?

Type II collagen isn’t just for those already experiencing joint pain, it’s a proactive solution for anyone who wants to maintain joint health, prevent future issues, and naturally reduce inflammation. Type II collagen is ideal for individuals who are:

Dealing with joint pain or stiffness

As we age, our natural collagen production declines, leading to joint stiffness, reduced flexibility, and a higher risk of joint-related issues. Whether due to aging, intense physical activity, or autoimmune conditions, type II collagen can help ease discomfort and improve mobility. By protecting cartilage and reducing inflammation, supplementing with type II collagen slows the decline.

High-impact activities like running or weightlifting can also wear down your joints over time. Type II collagen helps preserve cartilage, preventing the wear and tear that leads to discomfort or injury. For active individuals, it can help support joint recovery and long-term function, keeping you mobile and flexible.

Looking to protect joints long-term

Even if you’re not currently dealing with joint pain, preventative care is key to long-term health. By supplementing with type II collagen, you can protect your cartilage before significant issues arise. This is especially important as we age, or if you lead an active lifestyle, because cartilage naturally breaks down over time.

Interested in reducing inflammation naturally

For those seeking a natural way to manage inflammation, type II collagen is an effective solution. This unique collagen type harnesses immune-modulating properties to address inflammation at its source, offering a natural alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals. By teaching your immune system to better protect your joints, type II collagen helps manage inflammation and promote overall joint health.

The science behind CanPrev’s Type II Collagen

CanPrev’s Type II Collagen has been proven to reduce joint pain and stiffness in as little as 7 days. This formula offers a specialized, scientifically proven approach to joint health that’s designed to help you keep moving pain-free. It stands out not only for its high-quality formulation but also for its inclusion of proven ingredients like UC-II® and Boswellin® SUPER. These ingredients work synergistically to provide enhanced joint health support: CanPrev’s Type II Collagen

  • UC-II®: This patented form of undenatured Type II Collagen has been shown in clinical studies to significantly improve joint comfort, flexibility, and mobility.
  • Boswellin® SUPER: As a powerful anti-inflammatory, it helps to reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis and is also suitable for those trying to manage chronically painful joint conditions caused by autoimmune disorders. It can also be used to turn down the heat on inflammation caused by an acute injury.

You might be wondering if you can combine type II collagen with other supplements. The good news is that type II collagen is generally safe to use alongside other joint health supplements like glucosamine, chondroitin, or turmeric. This synergy can enhance your joint care routine, providing comprehensive support for inflammation and cartilage health. CanPrev Collagen Joint & Cartilage Powder

For a well-rounded approach to joint health, consider pairing type II collagen with CanPrev’s Collagen Joint & Cartilage Powder. This formula contains collagen peptides that act as a continuous nutrient supply for collagen production directly at the joints. They’re designed to repair and regenerate joint cartilage tissue, while reducing pain caused by osteoarthritis.

Type II collagen offers a uniquely targeted approach to support joint health. By protecting cartilage, reducing inflammation, and supporting long-term joint function, this specialized form of collagen can help you stay active, mobile and pain-free. Curious about which collagen supplement is the right fit for you? Visit collagen.ca for the scoop on all things collagen and discover supplements that can help support your health journey.


Benefits of Hydrolyzed Collagen and How to Use It
The Collagen Family
The Many Health Benefits of Collagen
Types of Autoimmune Arthritis
Type II collagen oral tolerance; mechanism and role in collagen-induced arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
Undenatured type II collagen (UC-II®) for joint support: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in healthy volunteers