Picture this: You wake up in the morning feeling well-rested after a good night’s sleep. You get out of bed for a good stretch, and your joints move freely and easily. You stroll into the bathroom and have an easy, painless bowel movement. While washing your hands, you look in the mirror and admire your clear skin. As you head to the kitchen to prepare your breakfast, you realize that despite the fact that everyone around you seems to have a cold right now, you’ve managed to stay healthy.

This is what life can look like with a healthy gut.

Your gut health says a lot about what’s going on within your body. That’s because it’s deeply interconnected with the body, impacting digestion, immunity, cognitive health, mood and more. So it’s safe to say that your gut plays a significant role in your overall health, which makes prioritizing your gut health that much more important.

Read on to learn more about the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome and how you can level up your gut health with our 21-Day Gut Reset Challenge!

Life with a healthy gut microbiome

A healthy gut relies on a collection of abundant, diverse microbes. Trillions of bacteria live in our intestines. We depend on them for many different functions, including:

  • Breaking down food
  • Converting food into energy
  • Producing vitamins
  • Reinforcing our immune system
  • Protecting us from harmful pathogens
  • Supporting brain function

But here’s the thing. Many aspects of modern life can disrupt the activity of the microbes in our gut, leading to factors like:

  • Bloating and digestive issues
  • Fatigue
  • Allergies and food sensitivities
  • Skin issues
  • Immune struggles
  • Brain fog

Don’t worry, we’ve got good news. There are ways to support your gut and provide it with everything it needs to thrive.

What is the 21-Day Gut Reset Challenge?

CanPrev’s 21-Day Gut Reset Challenge is a self-paced course designed by naturopathic doctors and nutritionists to address symptoms like bloating, digestive issues, fatigue, brain fog, and more. Over the span of 21 consecutive days, you’ll receive tips, tools, and resources on CanPrev Community’s 21-Day Gut Reset – Self-Guided Challenge group. You’ll also have the chance to connect with others who are participating in the challenge as well. This holistic challenge can help give your gut the attention it deserves through dietary adjustments, physical activity, and mental wellbeing practices.

Here are a few keys to success during the challenge:

  • Avoid refined sugar, processed foods, and alcohol
  • Engage in 150 minutes of exercise per week
  • Make sure to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night
  • And don’t forget to practice mindfulness every day!

This might seem like a lot to remember, but you’re not alone! By joining in on CanPrev Community, you’ll be able to hold yourself accountable, share updates with others, and receive daily gut health guidance.

How to prepare for a gut reset

Now that you have all the details, you may be wondering how to get yourself prepped for this exciting challenge. Here are a few tips:

Think about what you hope to gain out of this challenge

Why are you interested in rejuvenating your gut health? Maybe you’ve been struggling with symptoms like bloating or brain fog, and you’re looking to improve your digestive health. Or maybe you’re simply joining to take your overall gut health to the next level. Setting a few goals or intentions can help keep you aligned throughout the challenge.

Plan out your meals

While this challenge is designed not to be too restrictive, there are a few foods you need to steer clear of for the time being. Coming up with weekly grocery lists and daily meal plans can help to keep yourself on track.

Create a daily schedule

Squeezing in some time for exercise, practicing mindfulness and making sure you’re getting enough sleep can feel like a lot with an already busy schedule. Planning out your day with approximate time stamps can help encourage you to check off everything you need to get done within the day while also leaving room for changes.

Celebrate your wins along the way!CanPrev's 21-Day Gut Reset Challenge Invitation

Keeping yourself motivated can be tough at times. That’s why it’s important to celebrate your wins no matter how small they are throughout the journey. This can look different to everyone, but you can reward yourself with something you’ve been wanting for a while, share your wins with your friends and family, or even take a break to catch up on your favourite show.

To 21 days and beyond

Remember that this 21-day challenge helps set you up for the long run. The lessons you learn on how to care for your gut throughout this journey will stay with you and help you maintain a healthy gut. This challenge helps encourage consistency and patience for working towards a healthier you. And by signing up, you’ve already taken the first step!

So, what are you waiting for? Join us on a journey towards better gut health now.