As we go about our day, our immune system is always humming along in the background to keep us safe from infection and disease. To maintain healthy immunity, it’s important to get adequate sleep, keep stress levels down, and eat a healthy diet. Sounds simple, right? But we all know that these guidelines can be hard to achieve when everyday life gets busy. If you seem to catch every bug that’s going around, or jump from one cold to the next, it could be time for a little extra support – superfruits are a great place to start.

What are superfruits?

Often referred to as ‘superfruits’, these plant-based foods have commonalities that make them very beneficial for your health. They include fruits high in antioxidants like polyphenols, anthocyanins, vitamin C and other active compounds that help fight infection and support immunity.

How can superfruits support our immune system?

Good nutrition is vital when it comes to immune health. Being undernourished can negatively impact your body’s ability to defend against pathogens. The same goes for not eating enough of the right foods or eating too many of the wrong foods. Foods like superfruits are especially well-suited to reduce inflammation and work as natural immune boosters since they provide the immune system with optimal nutrients.

Are there foods that lower immunity?

Foods that tend to have a negative impact on the immune system are ones that promote chronic inflammation. This can include foods with added sugars like ice cream and cakes, salty foods like chips and fast food and other highly processed snacks.

Short-term inflammation is the immune system’s first line of defence. But when this defence mechanism continues even after the threat has passed, our immune cells begin to attack our own healthy tissue. When inflammation becomes chronic, it weakens your immune response and can make you more vulnerable to pathogens and illness.

Immune-supporting herbs and fruits


Herbs and fruits such as maqui, astragalus, echinacea and more are great sources of immune-supporting nutrients because they provide high amounts of nutrients like flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin C, and vitamin E. They deliver important benefits like reducing free radical levels and having antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects—vital attributes when you’re looking to defend the body against infections and inflammation.


Originally from Chile, maqui berry provides extensive antioxidant protection. It’s rich in anti-inflammatory compounds as well as antioxidant phytochemicals like flavonoids. Maqui extract protects against oxidative stress and enhances free radical scavenging—all of which supports your natural immunity.


Astragalus is a medicinal herb from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It’s known as an adaptogen, which means it supports immune balance, increases your resistance to stress, and has a balancing effect on the body. Astragalus root can be used as a preventative remedy to support a healthy immune system. It has been shown to help prevent colds, flu and other respiratory infections. Folks who are recovering from illness or surgery are at higher risk of infection—astragalus has been used with people post-surgery as a helpful immune tonic.


Echinacea is a medicinal herb with strong immune properties. Echinacea root stimulates the immune response by increasing the number of white blood cells, which fight infection. It is an ideal herbal remedy to lean on when everyone around you is sick with cold and flu. Echinacea provides antibacterial as well as antiviral benefits.


Also known as the Barbados cherry or West Indian cherry, acerola is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. In fact, this fruit is known to contain around 1500-4500 mg/100g of vitamin C, which is 50 to 100 times more than an orange or lemon. Acerola is also a great source of antioxidants such as carotenoids, phenolics, anthocyanins, and flavonoids, all of which support a strong immune system.


Growing in Central and South America, acai berry is harvested from the acai palm tree. Acai berry is high in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid that is involved in balancing immune function. What’s more, acai has high levels of antioxidant capacity, which means it protects against the cell-damaging free radicals that can hinder the immune response.

Camu camu

Camu camu is a fruit native to the Amazon rainforest that is very rich in vitamin C. As a potent antioxidant compound, vitamin C from camu camu berry offers protection against the immune-damaging effects of chronic inflammation. Because the whole fruit extract contains many synergistic compounds, camu camu may be even more effective than vitamin C when taken on its own for better immunity.


Also known as Indian gooseberry, amla berry is a traditional remedy of Ayurveda. Amla is cultivated throughout India and Asia. This berry is an excellent source of vitamin C, flavonoids, and other polyphenols for the support of immune health. It also boasts antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


Pomegranate is an antioxidant-rich fruit packed with crunchy, juicy edible seeds. Originally from the Mediterranean, pomegranate is an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidant compounds that reverse free radical damage. Pomegranate supports your immunity by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to reduce inflammation and support immune health.

ElderberryCanPrev Elderberry C bottle

Elderberry extract is a potent, medicinally active berry used as a quick remedy for flu, cold, and respiratory illnesses. Originally from the European elder tree, other native varieties of elderberry are present across North America and the world. Elderberry possesses antiviral properties that specifically target the flu and other viruses. Elderberry is packed with antioxidants, including flavonols and phenolic acids.


Cranberry extract comes from the cranberry fruit, which grows on vines in North America. Cranberry is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and immune-boosting antioxidants. Anthocyanins in cranberry offer potent anti-inflammatory benefits, which support a healthy immune system.

Since these immune supporting extracts work well together, your best bet is to enjoy them as a blend for ease and convenience. Immuno Berry is specifically designed to offer you the most immune support in a handy capsule form. The perfect formula to have on standby through the colder months, into allergy season, or when flus & joint aches are slowing you down. Here’s to a healthy immune system!