How does your body know when to sleep?
Also known as the circadian rhythm, your internal clock tells the body what to do based on the time of day, including when to sleep and when to wake up.
How does your body know when to sleep?
Also known as the circadian rhythm, your internal clock tells the body what to do based on the time of day, including when to sleep and when to wake up.
Sunrise prompts the body to stop producing our sleep hormone melatonin.
Alertness and blood pressure increases. Your body starts producing more cortisol.
Coordination and reaction time are at their peak.
A slight dip in energy levels occurs, usually because a lunch high in carbs like bread or pasta causes a rapid increase in blood sugar, followed by an even faster drop, leading to mid-afternoon fatigue.
Cardiovascular efficiency and muscular strength reach an all time high for the day.
Sunset prompts a decrease in body temperature and blood pressure.
Melatonin secretion begins and induces sleepiness.
Sunrise prompts the body to stop producing our sleep hormone melatonin.
Sharpest rise in blood pressure with an increase in alertness. Your body starts producing more cortisol during this time.
Coordination and reaction time are at their peak.
A slight dip in energy levels occurs, usually because a lunch high in carbs like bread or pasta causes a rapid increase in blood sugar, followed by an even faster drop, leading to mid-afternoon fatigue.
What happens when your internal clock is disrupted?
Factors like not enough sunlight exposure, chronic stress, and excessive screen time can throw our circadian rhythm off. What does this look like?
What happens when your internal clock is disrupted?
Factors like not enough sunlight exposure, chronic stress, and excessive screen time can throw our circadian rhythm off. What does this look like?
Factors like not enough sunlight exposure, chronic stress, and excessive screen time can throw our circadian rhythm off. What does this look like?

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